Thread: FijiMud
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Old 12/19/2007, 10:54 PM
Aadler Aadler is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Cleveland, OH
Posts: 614

Ive been searching through old threads for a good discussion on Mud in a refugium but have failed to find one.

Does anyone have links to a good back-and-forth on the benefits of mud. I am considering adding it to my system, which includes a dsb, I would put a 20L over the 40g breeder dsb for the mud/mangrove. I think ive settled on the Fijimud, but there just doesnt seem to be much good discussion on the topic here, has just that few people tried it?

I have seen two tanks side by side, virtually identical inhabitants, both set up at the same time, one used a skimmer, the other used a mud refugium. I have to say the growth and color in the mud system was better. Im sure there is any number of variables that could effect this, but both tanks are cared for by the same person...

I guess I am looking into this as I am just not getting the color out of my SPS that i feel i should be. Some are doing really well (plating/encrusting monti's), while some acros are mostly brownish, while others that I recieved brown are now coloring up ever so slowly. This tank is a fairly new setup... 6 months now, and I only have small frags of everything, the one larger frag of peach bnest i have has grown VERY well in a month, but the smaller acro frags i have have not been very impressive.

Anyway, I would delete all that because it is off topic, and I dont need anyone poking into my para's looking for what is wrong, but so no one asks, if you want to offer some advice,
Ca 430
KH 10+
Mg 1350
ph 8.3-4
salinity 1.026
Zeros on all else... trate, trite, ammonia, phosphates. Oh ya lighting is 2x24w t5 actinics and 1x250mh 14k phoenix, pfo ballatst.

Tank is a 40g, total water volume 140g+.

Anyway, FijiMud, the other concern is if a skimmer would hurt the mud in anyway.


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