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Old 12/19/2007, 08:07 PM
HippieSmell HippieSmell is offline
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Originally posted by steven_dean17
That is not true in all cases, most if not all of these studies are based on poor underdeveloped countries that in most case have a culture that promotes child birth be it religious or governmental influence. These studies more often then do not include developed countries like the US and UK.
No they're not left out of the studies, the entire point is to compare birth rates in developed (educated) vs undeveloped (uneducated) nations.
Originally posted by steven_dean17
I've seen one study that concludes women of hispanic birth will come to the US to have children. Is this caused by a lack of education? It seems to me that they were smart enough to know they would be better able to care for the children if the crossed the border.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the argument. Anyway, you don't need to be educated to know the US offers more opportunity than Mexico (no offense to Mexicans).
Originally posted by steven_dean17
These arguments may have ment more back in the day, but now all the worlds populations are getting better educations across the board, so if women are staying dumb, it's not from a lack of education. I refuse to blame dumb women for the demise of the earth, If the men in these womens lives were a little less greedy maybe their women folk would be better prepared to castrate them at birth. Now that's how you controll a population.
What? Wait...what? If it were true that everyone in the world was educated, then you would be educated, and that is clearly not the case.
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