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Old 12/19/2007, 02:15 PM
steri steri is offline
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Location: Cary, IL.
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As far as what you have, I'll see if I can help you out. This is what I see:

In the bottom left and the top right of the 1st pic, I see three toadstool leathers (2 on on top right, one on the bottom left).

On the left hand side of the tank in the first pic, right above the toadstool leather on the left, I see a spaghetti leather coral.

Below the toadstool leathers on the right hand side of the 1st pic I see Anthelia (which also spreads fast. A good starter soft coral).

The 2nd pic, (with the 6 line wrasse) looks to me like a Colt Coral. It looks like you have a few of those in your tank.

Right above the Colt coral, I see another spaghetti leather.

The 3rd pic is GSP (Green Star Polyps)

The 5th pic has the mushroom. You have a couple of different types of mushrooms in your tank in sparadic areas, but the one in the 5th pic just looks really cool to me.

All the corals I see are soft corals, and should be easy to take care of. They will feed on photosynthesis and will also filter feed. You don't have to worry about directly feeding any of your corals. There, now hopefully you know some about what you have. Your tank looks great. I love softies. You have done a great job with the tank so far
Rock Beauty Angel
Flame Angel
2 Firefish Gobies
Occ. Percula Clownfish
Blue Hepatus Tang
Blue Sided Wrasse
Purple Line Dottyback
Fire Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp