Thread: ASM or Aqua C?
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Old 12/19/2007, 02:12 AM
cyclops23 cyclops23 is offline
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ASM or Aqua C?

need some opinions here. i can get either an ASM G3 w/gatevalve mod or an Aqua C EV 240. the Aqua C is about $70 more, but i want to know if it's worth it. footprint counts too, i guess. i never thought of that before right now. the space i have for it is 11"x about 18", the water will be about 8" deep (55g AGA sump). it's for a 125g FOWLR. but there'll be a puffer, eel, trigger, possibly a tang. so it'll be a pretty messy tank. any thoughts would be great.
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