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Old 12/14/2007, 09:20 PM
Reefflections Reefflections is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 641
I've got a PM about their site.So I wanted to post ,for others to see.I don't know a thing about their web site goes as for number of polyps,and pricing goes.As you can see the site is really new,as for the store.And that's just a sample on what he has their,being I made a visit.
So the reason why I mentioned about bring things back,is to save you guys on shipping.But as for orders go,you need to go threw Victor.As for what you want and number of polyps ect.....I'm just there to give them a "ride home".Scott and Andrew know me really well,so I'm not out to rip someone off for sure.I just can't be caught in the middle that's all.As for picking stuff out for other people.You make the order direct threw him,and pay him.
It just that I'm going down there Xmas week.And if someone wanted a few frags from him.Can save on shipping