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Old 12/14/2007, 06:54 PM
Malenurse Malenurse is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Posts: 276
Zoa Pox and Bristleworms

I had a colony of zoas with "zoa pox":

I did the 3 day Furan-2 treatment as described in the article on ( ). The "pox" seemed unaffected. I placed it in my (well-established) 34 gallon display tank (had been in a newly established 12 gallon) and noticed that large bristle worms (8-10") were all over it immediately (at night). Within 24 hours, the pox disappeared and the colony began to re-open after nearly a month. It's now full recovered.

I posted this on Eric Borneman's forum at One of the educated guesses by Eric and another reef guru (since I did nothing to control this "experiment") was that the Furan might have somehow softened the "pox" or uncovered some tissue layers over them, allowing the bristleworms to eradicate them. Other possibilities are: 1.The colony would have recovered without any intervention2.Bristleworms alone might have done this.

Any thoughts or personal experiences?
