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Old 12/13/2007, 04:40 PM
jimmyPx jimmyPx is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Posts: 59
I have had both and I now have a 60 gallon acrylic cube that I love.

I agree with everyone who has posted that says acrylic is great, but you just have to be careful working around it. The clarity of my acrylic tank is incredible.

In addition, Acrylic is a good insulator and my tank does not have the temperature swings that my glass tank did.

Also, if you have children (or visiting children), acrylic is much tougher than glass.

Another BIG deal is the weight. Glass is very heavy and acrylic isn't. I can lift my tank all by myself (empty of course). This is a really big deal if you ever have to move. You know what happened to my old glass tank ???? The movers dropped it and shattered the back. I ended up throwing it in the trash. Acrylic is light and tough and should survive a move.

For cleaning, I would like to mention the Dawn spin brush.
This is the best invention since sliced bread.
It honestly works as quickly and as fast to clean algae & corraline than a razor blade on glass (just have to keep the batteries new or recharged) with NO scratches.