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Old 12/13/2007, 04:39 PM
sjfishguy sjfishguy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: manayunk, philly
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More 10g system details:

Having that big of a skimmer was my only nutrient export really
No sump, just a AC110 HOB filter that I mostly use to house a lot of the equipment. I had a coralife superskimmer 65 in the fliter sideways, so the intake pump was in the AC110 and the outflow flowed out into the tank. In the summer I also had a iceprobe chiller sitting in there which kept the tank 80-82. A 100W heater kept it at 80 in the winter. Here is a pic of the skimmer/filer setup

I almost never did a water change in 4 years (maybe to top off after I dripped some corals or sold a bunch of frags, or if things were going wrong (which was rare)), I just used kalk water as my top off (almost 1/2g per day in the summer, did have a pH spike but never saw any ill effects from it even on the sps). I also used Kent Nano Reef two part daily. Towards the end I was using Kent Superbuffer to keep the alk up, but still had problems keeping it up. My parameters on avg were as follows:

salinity: 1.025
Ca: 380
Mg: 1350
Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammo, Phos: 0

I only fed my two fish (royal gramma and sixline) twice a week or so. I switched over to mysis after the first year from Formula 1 as I found this was a big source of phosphates. Most corals were grown out from frags, although there are a few wild colonies in there.