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Old 12/12/2007, 04:54 PM
Psyire Psyire is offline
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I did some quick searching and pulled up this thread. Now I have a little better idea of what it is you are looking at doing. In regards to some of your questions you had when you dropped by earlier I have slightly different answers. For your tank overflow I would be tempted to have it built onto the back of the aquarium rather than inside of it. That way it won't take up any of your 'internal' tank space. If you search around you'll probably find some good examples of this. This will give you a lot more room to work with in the tank for aquascaping and such. (and more room for corals and fish to swim)

As for humidity I don't think I would do a whole lot to 'protect' against it. If you end up having problems, then you have to eliminate it rather than use special materials that will withstand it. Dehumidifier or external venting would be options.

Catch ya later.