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Old 12/12/2007, 10:42 AM
jglackin jglackin is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Chicago South Loop
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And maybe some crackers?

I just noticed that the list has been edited. A certain unmentionable LFS has had their name changed to *removed*. I have no idea what happened, but whatever happened, it clearly seems to be personal. To go to the effort to remove all references to this store off the site, block being able to post the name on the boards, or even say the name in a PM, is beyond just plain business, it has to be personal. Someone has a major bug (mantis shrimp?) up their behind on this. It's almost pathological.
Best Regards,


170 gal curved glass
Solaris H4
Turf Scrubber
Nanostream 6055
LifeReef LCR1