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Old 12/12/2007, 10:01 AM
scotmc scotmc is offline
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I have done that. It worked, but now it's back again. I set up a fuge with cheato. Has not be effective as of yet. It's been a week. I ran phosban with no results. I just run carbon, now. I have been removing it and doing 10% WC. I going to do 30% this week. I have zero phosphates. I am thinking my rocks are the source. I purchased dry rock. I did not do a good job at cleaning, since it was a new tank. I put a few rocks in a five gal bucket with chemclean, it did not do much. I am so glad I did not put this in my tank. Since, the tank is only 5months old, I hope this will pass. I wish they made something to kill this bacteria.