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Old 12/10/2007, 08:37 PM
brat213 brat213 is offline
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Posts: 72
Thanks for the replies!
I bought 2 (all the store had) fairly large turbo snails. At first I was impressed they seem to be working on it. Well here on day 2, they seem about half dead, not dead but not moving around or attaching to anything, yet not closed up tight either. I'm hoping they are just gorged on the algae, and will be okay, I took care in acclimating them to the tank. But I wasn't overly impressed with the store they came from, these were the only 2 snails they had in the store. And they also had this red fuzzy algae and the green bubble algae over taking several of their tanks. They could only tell me they were turbo snails but not which type.
I got a small sally light foot crab too. she picks at it - not sure if she eats it or just plucking it outta her way.
Does anyone have a place to reccomend -where I can order Mexican turbo's that will have Hearty, maybe even tank raised snails? Or a shop in Mid or NE OH.

I'm still waiting to hear a SUCCESS story.
I'd be happy to get it back in check, atleast. I have cheato growing which is some what covered in the red algae now.
I've also started using phos-X.
Here's a bad pic. off the snails tried several times but can't get a good shot.

Thanks for replying Bill and David.
P.S. Creed rocks! wish they'd hook back up!

Last edited by brat213; 12/10/2007 at 09:26 PM.