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Old 12/09/2007, 12:54 AM
DanInSD DanInSD is offline
Registered Member
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 633
Let's start with:
- Tank size
- Water parameters
- Lighting
- Flow
- Filtration
- Other corals, especially those nearby
- Vertebrate and invertebrate tankmates
- Feeding and supplementation regimen
- How old is this coral?
- If it's new, how did you acclimate it?
- If it's old, how long did it take to go from good to bad, and what were the signs? What might have triggered it (new salt mix; new food; change in supplements; new corals or fish in the tank)?

Your message was the equivalent of "Help! I'm lost!". Interesting, but impossible to solve with the information given, other than to say something obvious like "either the coral has a disease/predator/irritant or it doesn't like its environment".
