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Old 12/08/2007, 11:50 PM
tmz tmz is offline
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Doe's the carbon source come from the sun?

Trying to learn from the discussion so I'll share what I think.

Cyanobacteria use CO2 for the carbon source and combine this with light and water releasing oxygen in the process(6 molecules of CO2 and 6 molecules of water plus light equals 1 molelcule of sugar and 6 oxygen molecules). So in a way the carbon source is the sun.

Cyanobacteria then grows celluar structures called heterocysts which are oxygen free zones wherein it creates a unique element called nitrogenease which would not function in the presence of oxygen. Nitogenease uniquely draws nitrogen from the air/water athmosphere and turns it into organic compounds including ammonia,nitrite and nitrate which are then used by other organisms.Cyanobacteria nitrifies and the bacteria we seek in cycling denitrify.
Any clarification on this process would be most welcome.