Thread: Nina...
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Old 12/08/2007, 10:04 AM
Nina51 Nina51 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: 5th floor, Illinois
Posts: 138
Originally posted by Sk8r
Let go of painful things as soon as possible. What was the hour you and Gary met? How soon did you know it was forever? Which of you knew first, or did one of you take persuading? What did the place look like then, and what did you build or change?
i don't really remember the hour we met. i remember our first date like it was yesterday. i knew it was forever from the first minute. he did too, he just didn't admit it right away. daily, we would have this conversation...

me: i love you

gary: i love you most

me: i loved you first

gary: *wink*

if you mean our place, it was bare sand. five acres of bare sand. we have planted trees, plopped a house down, built fence, barn, outbuildings, flower beds, campfire ring, patio, decks, the list goes on and on. that is why i have so many reminders of gary. everywhere i look, reminders. sometimes i smile, many times i cry. i hope some day the smiles will be many and the crying will be less.

i am just so damn lonesome without him here. i talked to nana this morning and i told her i wanted him back and she said no, i didn't want him back and i should remember how he was for the past 21 months. i wanted him to NEVER be sick but God had other plans.

a couple of years ago, just prior to gary's diagnosis, we looked around here and told ourselves there isn't much else we can do or add. i guess God needed a builder more than i did.
of all the things i've lost, i miss my gary the most.