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Old 12/05/2007, 03:37 PM
reefing102 reefing102 is offline
The Iron Knight
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Posts: 633
Peaceful, yeah right

Most people say their ocellaris clowns are peaceful. Most websites say they are peaceful. Mine is anything but. My ocellaris is the most agressive SOB that i have had. Any time my hand goes within a 12-18" radius of his anemone's he goes and bites me. My tanks is only 24" wide so that makes it a little hard to clean algae. I flick him with my fingers chase him around the tank and he still up and bites the heck out of my hand. Most cases i have to net him in order to clean the tank.

So can i kill him? Please. I mean my damsels are afraid of him.

Are any of yours as agressive?
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