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Old 12/03/2007, 09:23 PM
TulsaReefer TulsaReefer is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Tulsa, OK
Posts: 280
You can also get these types of fish roe in the frozen section of Asian markets. I like the frozen stuff since I can make it seem to last a lot longer when compared to the jar stuff which can go bad pretty quickly once it's opened. I just scrape a bit off of the frozen brick (comes in a little plastic container) and drop the scrapings into the tank. It thaws out immediately and everyone goes nuts eating it.

And it seems nothing won't eat this stuff (Masago is what I have used). It even gets my larger sized Gammarid Amphiphods to come out to get thier share, along with the bristle worms. But I also only put in a little at a time, since Travis is right, it blows all over the tank in the current. I've even had a few corals show feeding responses to this stuff, a plate, and a coupe species of palys will go nuts and try to snag their share as well. A little too large in size for my other corals, but still good stuff.

Also, have you tried the frozen Cyclopeeze freezer bars? I just dip one end of mine in the water a few seconds, wave it around, some melt off and the tank is in a feeding frenzy. Then wrap what's left up in a freezer baggie, and throw it back in the deep freeze. Super convienent, and quick and easy if you want to feed a few times a day, just dip, swirl, and watch the fish (and corals) go nuts.