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Old 12/03/2007, 09:23 PM
JPMagyar JPMagyar is offline
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Originally posted by raynist
According to the article that this data came from the 250 XM10k on an HQI ballast is using 374 watts. Most electronic 400w ballasts are right around 415 watts so you are not saving as much electricity as it may seem (400 to 250). You are using about 11% less electricity and getting about 11% less par.


What!?! You mean no "free lunch". I'm flabbergasted Call my lawyer!

Seriously though, thanks for the link. I'm sure Rico will enjoy the extra credit homework I admit its hard to compare "apples to apples" when talking about lighting especially considering how emotional people get I would add that for me the savings when switching from 400s to 250s was a little more because I was coming off 400 watts on PFO-HQI which was a little over 500 watts.

Sorry Rico - didn't mean to hijack the thread . Atleast there's lots of good intentions and great links, heh!?

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