Thread: Anemone woes
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Old 12/02/2007, 09:44 PM
JENnKerry JENnKerry is offline
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I purchased a Sebae Anemone from a LFS back in April that was about 2" in diameter and all white with purple tips. It had lost color because it was under a 15 watt bulb.
Initially, it wouldnt take food, I think it was around a month or more before it started taking silver sides and krill.
It was very fussy and wouldnt sit still due to the amount of light it went from (15 watts) to 1134 watts (3x250 halides)
Here we are now, 8 months later, it colored up and is now around 6-7" in diameter. I feed mine every week a full silver side and it is a part time home to my Clarkii.
So, attempt to feed it, dont force it and dont mess with it. Only take it out if it seems to be dying off. These are animals that will situate themselves into a comfortable spot. Just keep patient and do what you have been. It may come around...mine did.
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