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Old 12/02/2007, 12:12 PM
ClayWagner ClayWagner is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 183
What kind of skimmer do you have? Do you use an carbon/phosban? What's your livestock like (fish/corals)? My UV sterilzer did control algae, but it's a known fact that it kills ALL organisms good and bad. I feel a system should be able to operate without one if possible, and if you're getting algae and other nuiscances that quickly after taking out the UV then something is whack with your filtration. When my sterilzer broke I got some algae as well (fixed with new skimmer), but I noticed my corals grew about 3x faster without it! Coralline started shooting up everywhere and my fish's colors and activity increased as well. I feel that UV's are an impedence on the tank's biological filtration as well, because it kills nitrogenous bacteria that are in the water column of the UV. Not to mention the increased temp from close proximity to the UV bulb. But if it works for you, don't mess with success ;0). Lots of big time reefers with HUGE tanks don't bother with UV's, maybe from experience? Who knows...I've only seen a UV setup on maybe one tank of the month for a LONG time. Try leaving it off for a month or two and tell me how the corals grow.