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Old 12/02/2007, 01:17 AM
ieatchinese ieatchinese is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Carpentersville, Illinois
Posts: 45
True Percula or Not?

I would like to find out if what was sold to me 8 months ago as wild caught True Perculas are actually, well True Perculas.

I have been told by more folks than not who have seen them that they are, but recently there has been an individual who claims that they are not True Perculas and are in fact, False Perculas (osellaris).

As soon as I was told that these were not true percs, I started looking on-line and found a few articles that cover this subject (aparently it is a popular one). All of the articles that I found pointed to the fact that mine were a pair of True Percs, but I really want to get some CMAS feedback.

The links to the articles include some photos of the different clown fish. My clowns look exactly like the example of True Percula. Links to both the articles and pics of my clowns below:

Pics of my clowns (with 10 dorsal fin spines) located here:

Those two were without flash on and the following are two with the camera flash activated:

All constructive comments are being sought.

Thanks to all in advance!