Thread: 6 Line Wrasse
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Old 12/01/2007, 09:54 PM
Newlin Newlin is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Noble, Ok.
Posts: 222
I have heard that you shouldn't keep two in a tank. But, like the tangs, if you keep 3 or more it should be okay. And Lucky hit it on the head. I too had a problem after about 8 months of having him in my tank he started to pick on other fish. And forget about adding new fish unless they are twice his size. He just killed them. But, I have to say that I never had a bristle worm problem when I had him. And if you have shrimp, they better be huge. You will know when he is mad too, his whole body will turn bright red and his stripes will just about go away till he calms down.
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