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Old 11/30/2007, 05:30 PM
CUNAReefer CUNAReefer is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Madison WI
Posts: 46
Hello All,

Just started posting on RC.

One of the key factors in "growing" coral that I have not seen mentioned yet, is the experience you need to keep a thriving frag set up. Other than the obvious factors (light, water quality, money, etc.) it takes to set up a profitable frag tank, it also takes a little talent.

Also, please scrap the idea on the shop lights. Search your local sellers board for some decent MH/T5 lighting set-ups. Its great to see such an ambitious 14 year old trying to sell some coral, but you may not be ready until you have learned some of the hard lessons that all of us have learned over the years of making stupid mistakes.

Try setting up a display tank and enjoy the hobby first, then take on the challenge of fragging.

Happy Holidays,