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Old 11/30/2007, 10:24 AM
Poppy828 Poppy828 is offline
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Originally posted by Carlos
You are right. RC is not free to me as I have to work by dealing with people that cannot do something as simple as following the rules. It is not free to my family as I have to spend time away from them here again, dealing with people.

IT IS FREE TO YOU!!!! As you do not have to pay for it. You may have donated money but that was "your choice" and nobody forced you (to quote you).

Yes, that is correct. Nobody forced me to be a volunteer. Nobody forced me to try to help people in the hobby. Because of that very thing, it does not give anybody there right to call us names and insult us.

Nobody is forcing you to stay here. If you don't like the way we work here (on this privately owned forum that is giving you FREE access - YOU dont have to pay for it) then find another place.

So Jpagliai can insult us and call us names but if we react defensively as any other human being would act if insulted we are on a power trip... don't make me laugh!!!!

That comment just earned YOU a strike one. Did you really need to make that comment. Was anything constructive going to come out of that comment except to spite us???? We do not ban people, people ban themselves by making inappropriate comments that have no place here at RC.


From the sounds of this response, it seems that you may feel burdened with the task that YOU volunteered for and are unhappy that you have to do it.