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Old 11/28/2007, 01:14 PM
happyface888 happyface888 is offline
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Originally posted by Jason1520
I dont mean to get off the current topic, but I have a quick question...Happy wrote about an easy mod: the one involoving a silicone gasket. What brand/kind of silicone should I use?

I love ths idea, since there is a noticeable amount of pressure and bubbles going up the side of the collection cup. I think this would really help production.

I have not done any mods of any kind to any of my equipment and I have been reluctant due to small finances for aquarium supplies, but this sounds doable!

Also, I am definitely not an expert, but those of you with the 100f, why dont you extend your intake down farther into the tank where there is no air, and more water pressure!? Add about 6 inches?
I agree with dzeadow for the locations, I also heard from others you could also use rubber bands to do it. Basicly I guess you just put them near the bottom and shove the cup down and it prevents waters from going above?