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Old 11/27/2007, 11:19 AM
wharfrat48 wharfrat48 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 399
Anyone really have success against bubble algae?

I recently upgraded from a 75 to a 180 and am starting to have some issues with bubble algae (Valonia?). I had some of the algae in my 75 and during the transfer, removed all the algae that I could see. Now it is back. All parameters are good, sparsely stocked tank, fuge with Caulerpa and Cheato, and I run Phosban occasionally. I did put in 6 emerald crabs, but haven't seen them touch the stuff. So is there anyone who has had success against this pest? Maybe an urchin or 2? Any help will be very much appreciated.
