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Old 11/24/2007, 11:08 AM
ycnibrc ycnibrc is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Huntington Beach, California
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Well thanks to Steve(Jarhead) my tank is ready for test leak. I still have to clean up the wire under the stand but most of the plumbing work have completed.

Here are some pictures please excuse for my amateur camera skill.
Tank filling with RODI

AC3 mount

Skimmer and Zeovit reactor

Dart for return and Baracuda for CL

Procal reactor still need to set up

We use a combination of spa tube and sch 80 pvc to run the plumbing. On the day of transfer the light ,chiller and the extra H&S skimmer will complete the set up.

I will trade my golf swing for your tyree frag.