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Old 11/22/2007, 10:50 AM
samtheman samtheman is offline
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Originally posted by badguitarist
I'm really enjoying all the positive input people are giving barnett8. It seems that anytime someone posts this question there is a whole barrage of people giving negative feed back: "it can't be done" or "whats the point". This really discourages me as, yes, it can and has been done. Please, people lets just try to keep it positive and constructive, the negative comments are simply why many people, myself included, don't post very often. Its simply obnoxious to have a good idea and have it constantly put down and harrassed by people who may or may not know what they are talking about.
As far as a display tank goes, I personally have way more fun cutting corals up than looking at a display, in some peoples minds it is much more rewarding. I have personally torn down all my large tanks and only have a 40 gallon display but many large propagation tanks.
Barnett8 as to your question about lights and brown out. 2 40 watt flourescent bulbs would work fine in that tank, if you could raise the corals close to the light source. If the corals are resting on the bottom, however, i would up the amount of light to 4 40 watt bulbs. Brown out? well that depends on a lot more than the amount of light. first off what corals are you planning on growing. Example; most montipora keep their color better than most acropora under lower light, the same is true with many other corals. Figure out how much light you can afford and then pick a species accordingly. It will also largely (and i mean very largely) depend on the actual light bulbs chosen (aqaurium use higher color temperature bulbs versus standard plant lights). rememeber though that light isn't the only factor in browned out corals. other factors can include excess nutrients (nitrate, phosphate etc) water flow and many other factors. clean water is very important for optimal coloration in most sps corals
so keep asking questions, most of us are happy to answer them. good luck.
If its easily done, where are the success storys?