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Old 11/21/2007, 08:38 AM
delsol650 delsol650 is offline
Semi Reefing Vet
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Pacifica, Bay Area
Posts: 4,676
Thanks everyone for the responses, everyone that knows me or seen me frag knows that I always wear glasses /gloves.. it was that one time that it skipped my mind.. and got a good squirt from a foot away.

The eye is feeling better, no more burning feeling ( thank god ).. its not a feeling I want anyone here in RC/BAR to encounter. The story regarding the dog is true , i've read it here.. there are actually far worse stuff like another reefer got sent to the emergency and basically died almost 9 times, they had to do full body flush to get all the toxins out... he got sprayed by an RPE. don't know if it hit him in the mouth, eye or what. That's what scared me the most.

Just remember to keep yourself protected all the time when handling your corals. KEEP ON FRAGGING.

" This hobby can really give you one of the best highs and the worst lows any hobbyist can experience within a small given time".

" Charles V "