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Old 11/20/2007, 09:29 PM
redhdmedic redhdmedic is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Maryland
Posts: 297
ok...went out and made the plunge...I was a bit generous on the size, it's more of a 3.5-4" purple, but still, it was $ I said, I have been watching this fish at this lfs for some time, it apparently was left there after one of their customers moved (they also do tank maint.) instead of having to be ordered in, explaing the extreme price difference from other lfs. It's healthy appearing, apart from some milt LLE, which I believe with proper nutrition and some selcon will clear right up, that certainly worked with my scopas. After acclimating and a FW bath, I added the purple to our 215...I'm still so nervous...and the purple and sailfin hit it off as buddies (seriously?!?!) but the PBT wasn't having it...they are still occasionally duking it out as to who is "tang king" down there, but nothing serious...oddly enough, it's my bi-color angel causing the biggest fuss...little wench is acting like a surgeon herself and tailslapping and what-not...nutcase...but seriously nobody is really giving any serious cause for alarm...I'm really quite pleased! Thanks again everyone for your support on this!
__________________ was on sale....I swear...well, I was for sale...and I