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Old 11/20/2007, 07:43 PM
delsol650 delsol650 is offline
Semi Reefing Vet
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Pacifica, Bay Area
Posts: 4,676
Just a friendly reminder and a warning to those who frag Zoos and Palys

If you frag zoos and palys, this is a reminder to those vets and to those newbies.

Please remember to wear your protection. IE' Glasses, gloves and mask ( if your that susceptible to the vapors ). I forgot to wear my protective stuff while fragging some Protopalys yesterday noon and got squirted right in the eye. I immediately ran to the bathroom and rinsed my eyes for a while. I thought everything was cool till an hour or so later I started getting more burning itchy feeling in my eye (non stop burning feeling ) . Feels like someone dabbed some bengay/mineral ice on your eyelids or eyes. Went to the hospital today to see my doctor. It seems that when the protopaly squirted me either bacteria from it, the water or the waters chemistry really irritated the hell out of my eyes. Blood shot red. He doubts its palytoxin, ( thank god ) but I was told that if it doesn't subside with in 24hrs that I need to go back right away.

I understand that us vets sometimes take this easy chore for granted sometimes, but please take heed and be careful. Pain is almost gone now with the antibacterial eye drops I was given but the unsettling feeling is still there.

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" Charles V "