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Old 11/20/2007, 12:13 PM
redhdmedic redhdmedic is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Maryland
Posts: 297
215 stocking question...sigh...I can already hear it

Aloha all! Much to my happiness and joy, instead of moving up from the 75g to a 120g, we dove deep and lucked ourselves into a heck of a deal and found a fabulous custom Oceanic AGA 215 that was the deal of the century...pass it while it took us an hour to drive to the shop to look for a 120g, it took us 3 hours to drive back with the 215 in my car and the stand strapped to the can't understand how much I love my's just up there with how much I love my Jeep...a bit under the love for my child...moving after much planning and devising and "we could do this" and "we could that" we had a plan of action, we got her set up running, just under 300lbs of LR, a 2" live sand bed, one fabulous fuge w/ mangrove garden...and she's been running for time to add the fish...most of them had been living in either our 75 or our 56 reef, but needed to move, so here is who moved in:

6" Porcupine Puffer (5 years)
5" Foxface (1 year)
3" Leopard Wrasse (8 months)
3" Powder Brown Tang (9 months)
2" Red Sea Sailfin Tang (7 months)
3" juv. Emporer Angel (7 months)
3" Bi-Color Angel (7 years)
2" Racoon Butterfly (1 week)

As you can see, the butterfly is the newest addition. Not that you can really tell anything after a week, but he eats frozen and flake, is fat/healthy appearing and swimming joyfully with the tangs and angels. All aiptasia has blissfuly begun to disappear as well - megabenny! I have given serious consideration to the thought that this should be the end stock. But I am being seriously harrassed by the other half. Now I use the "if you can't research it/you can't have it" argument all the time, only problem is, as he is 14 years older than me, he has worked longer than I have, so as you and I all know, sometimes he or she with the bigger checking account wins. My concern is that he will "willy-nilly" go out and purchase the fish of his choosing, and I will not have I am imploring you to please help me here. Now, that man is a flippin tang nut, as can be told from the 2 we currently have in the 215 (the powder brown "magically" appeared one day while I was at work, some people get can put those in the yard) as well the 2" scopas in my reef. I was able to trade away my large yellow as she was a vicious bugger...just plain nasty. SO I hear you saying "but what do you need us for?" Well, here it is. I would like you opinion on this, knowing the stoking of the 215, and what we know about tangs, I would like your opinions about either moving my scopas into the 215 or adding a 5" purple tang into the 215. I know several people who have kept yellows and purples together, but no other combinations. I'm already hearing the negativity, so I'm really only looking for constructive replies please. The current plan is for my Scopas to move into my 75g, and we are actually scoping out another large tank, but the next large set up wouldn't be fish ready for at least 1 year the way I like to run them. Thanks so much in advance for your time and help! oh, by the way, the dimensions of the 215 are 84x24x28. Thanks again!
__________________ was on sale....I swear...well, I was for sale...and I