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Old 11/19/2007, 05:25 PM
realest realest is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 182
Really? So a skimmer is not requried?

By the way, what does a skimmer skim out anyways?

it is not like my skimmer dosent work, what happen is, I did some research and people stated the skimmer I have was not that great.

So I found some fourms that people mod their skimmer.

So I went along and added the pump with airstone to boost up the skimmer.

When I did not mod the skimmer, it was skimming half of cup of dark green stuff every week.

After adding the pump and airstone. The skimmer is skimming at half of cup in about 4 hours. However, the stuff that is skimmed out is light green and it looks like it is water down.

So my question is, is it ok?

Sorry if it sounds like I am repeating myself. But that's what my question really is.

Thank you