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Old 11/17/2007, 08:07 PM
CruzinKim CruzinKim is offline
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Originally posted by lecher
If the needle wheel provided almost as good results, I would rather have the needle wheel. Mesh wears out quicker, needs to be cleaned more and like rishma stated sometimes can be inconsistent, when it comes time to replace.
It's a myth that needs to be cleaned more often. I own a Bubblemaster that uses a threadwheel and there's many BM owners that purchased their units a year ago and still haven't had to clean their threadwheels yet. I know that's not true for everyone. Bubblemaster owners check every 3 or 4 months and it's still clean. I think it really depends on your individual setup, if things will get caught in a threadwheel, it certainly will do the same on the needlewheel. As for the mesh wearing out quicker, that's probably true. I don't think the needlewheel will wear out for years, maybe never. But the threadwheel isn't as fragile as everyone may think as it is a pretty sturdy material that is used. I don't think any 1 year owners have had to replace their mesh yet, unless it accidentally came off the wheel and got streaded. Have to check with those running for over a year with a threadwheel and see if they think it will go another year. So, it's $5 every other year, that's not so bad, is it? I think the concern about mesh on a threadwheel is over exaggerated at times.
Originally posted by uhuru
I think that would be great to have a needlewheel, what's the use of having a meshwheel if it's too much for the skimmer anyways?
If if were my choice, I would prefer that they increase the body diameter or height to match the more powerful 1250 meshwheel and take full advantage of this powerful pump that they just discovered. Maybe an inch increase in the body diameter and the neck will do it. Nice to have 700lph instead of 480lph and still have full control over it. In looking at lumamae's video, the skimmer does not look turbulent and if the video is running fast, the foaming must really just float up to the top of the skimmer. Why not rebalance the skimmer body to the pump for the USA market, that seems to make more sense to me, and produce a more powerful performing skimmer. In Europe, they can have their 480lph smaller Nano and in USA, we have it's bigger brother. That's my 2 cents.
Originally posted by Lumamae
ATB owners, please chime right in with your new skimmers. There's been 2 shipments that came into the USA and they're sold out, so there's got to be a few owners on RC.
Isn't this thread for ATB owners to share their experience?

Last edited by CruzinKim; 11/17/2007 at 08:28 PM.