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Old 11/16/2007, 03:44 PM
luke33 luke33 is offline
One Good Friend
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Indiana
Posts: 5,622
Not to be on Petco's side by any means but it sounds like a bunch of local reefers decided to pick on petco.......if you want to single out a pet store you must do all the same tests at each of the pet stores around you. The petco's here are pretty good for the most part. I can name a few lfs that specialize in SW fish that are much worst. I can also say that probably 20-50% of the reefers post here on RC have Trates over 40-60 as well. Yes, its bad on the corals but its not going to affect the fish much. If your going to treat one lfs poorly, they you must do all teh proper tests to see if any others are the same. Sounds like you guys have to much time on your hands to me.
There's no such thing as a normal reef, there's just reef