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Old 11/13/2007, 06:54 AM
Reefcherie Reefcherie is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
Posts: 2,557
Sorry - have just completed a move across the country and have been pretty much absent from RC for a while. I didn't see this thread.

My zero edge tank (now sold BTW ) was the first model actually sold to a customer. The folks at ZeroEdge tell me there are many new innovations since then. I loved the concept of the tank and the ability to look down on the inhabitants (mostly clams in my case). Mine was simply too small! Trying to keep the parameters stable, stocked w/ clams (with their qty of waste and high calcium needs for growth) was a nightmare at just 20-gallons. I will not repeat that again.

An additional issue w/ mine is that it was only 8" tall. I don't think any of the current models are that short. With that depth, other than a frogfish, I never found a fish I could keep in it that didn't jump out and I gave up trying. I really wanted one little fish to add some movement for aesthetics.

Room placement can be an issue - since you need to clean all 4 sides - inside and out. We backed up at an angle to a room corner and you could clean the back side but it was sort of a pain (particularly w/o getting a wet shirt!).

Mine was whisper quiet. We didn't like the check-valve (it did get clogged as they eventually do and one morning I came downstairs to find my clams high and dry ). My husband built a little gizmo in the center to replace it (I guess you'd call it a stand pipe?). I think you can see it in at least one picture in my gallery. It blended in pretty well once it got some coralline on it. I don't know what the newer models have.

I don't think I have any pictures of the inside sump area. With mine being just 2' by 2' as a footprint, boy was my stand crowded! At one time I had a tiny skimmer and a calcium reactor both under there!

The next time around (I feel certain I will get another someday), I am seriously considering their new one (approx 60-gallons I think) that you can back up to any wall because it overflows in the "zero-edge" way on only 3 sides. The back is a standard overflow. I want the bigger size for more stable parameters and greater possibilities.

I have loved the Giessemann light (still have it) while it was working. At this time, I can't recommend them though. Getting anything fixed is pretty much impossible at this time - can't get customer service; can't get parts into the country or something. I don't know what their problem is, but that was my experience. I ended up having a friend w/ the skills completely replace the guts of ours after a few years. It sure looks nice though!

Even with the issues, I loved that darn tank! I have good memories of its most successful days. That's what carries you through the lousy ones!
A hundred years from now the world may be different because you were important in the life of a child.