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Old 11/12/2007, 10:42 PM
Tim Plow Tim Plow is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 66
Thanks to everyone for all the advice.

Well, I tried my luck with garlic soaking, and Naso still wanted nothing to do with frozen, flake food, or seaweed. He is going on 5 days now without eating and he is really starting to slim down. I also noticed he had a much higher rate of breathing so tonight I decided to try to catch him and place him in my qt tank. After a few tries, I sucessfully netted him and placed him in the 20 gallon. I bought some Metronidazole by Seachem and dosed it tonight so hopefully I will start seeing signs of improvement.

Has anyone else had any experience with the "pimafix and melafix" as described above? Is it reefsafe?

Here are a few pics that I took of some fish and coral.