Thread: food enrichment
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Old 11/11/2007, 10:50 AM
FishGrrl FishGrrl is offline
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Originally posted by David123
I have never heard of seahorses taking things like cut up squid, how do you cut it up so that they find it atractive.
Todd Gardner was the one that turned me on to the idea of using squid. He grates it with a cheese grater, I believe. I've used it with H. erectus, I just chopped it very finely. I've only had H. erectus take it, though I've heard H. capensis will take pretty much anything. And now that I think about it, I suspect H. ingens would as well.


Mysids tho oftimes fresh water are not responsible for fatty liver, it is rather the quite high HUFA, not the make up.
I'm not so sure about that. The EPA to DHA ratio is very important to marine life as they can't break down EPA into DHA. Freshwater fish can, which isn't surprising as your ratio of naturally occurring EPA to DHA is much higher in freshwater systems. In saltwater systems, DHA is much higher, though the levels vary. Excess fatty acids that are there wrong DHA/EPA ratio are where the problems with fatty liver "disease" come in.


If you use selco you are only adding the the adults very high free fatty acid profile, instead, use such things like spiralina, chlorela, astaxanthin and beta glucan.
Whoops. I meant to say DHA super selco. Specifically enriching for the DHA.
Tami AKA Insane Fish Grrl
fusedjaw: It's all about the snick.