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Old 11/11/2007, 01:08 AM
Jasonanatal Jasonanatal is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Bronx, New York
Posts: 422
Who Says Good Things Don't Come In Small Packages?

Life is full of difficult decisions especially when the decisions pertain to being able to provide for you family and participate in a hobby that you enjoy. So with that being said a large Reef Aquarium was definitely not in my future anytime soon. But that of course is not necessarily a bad thing. So I though why not venture into the world of Nano Aquariums. In my personal opinion it is definitely cheaper to setup and maintain. However, the benefit of being able to make a small mistake here and there that are acceptable in a larger aquarium definitely does not apply on this playing field. In the world of Nano Aquariums attention to detail is the key component in what seperates an aquarium that is doomed for catastrophe.

In search of the perfect aquarium to suite my needs I have decided to go with the JBJ 28 gallon Nano Cube HQI which has an open back for easy access and addition of external components and a stock 150 watt Metal Halide Lighting System with 14,000k Bulb, Dual 300gph Return Pumps, JBJ Wave Maker and Protein Skimmer. So the Ms. and I drove out to a Local Fish Store and purchased the setup with Aquarium & Stand for just over $750.00, not a bad deal in my thoughts.

Photograph Thursday October 25, 2007 - After a long drive and no help from any friends in lifting this Aquarium it is finally home. Too bad I actually have to go to work in 1 hour.

Photograph Thursday October 25, 2007 - The location for my new JBJ 28 gallon Nano Cube HQI Reef Aquarium. I painted the room for this occasion.

Photograph Thursday October 26, 2007 - Finally standing after 3 hours of ridiculous instructions to setup the stand, which I acutally had to hunt down instructions on Drs. Foster & Smith's website to complete the construction.
My marriage is perfect! My job is great! But why are my tank parameters all out of whack???