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Old 11/10/2007, 03:00 PM
Philby Philby is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Iowa
Posts: 275
I've been thinking this is the route I go once I actually need to feed a whole reef full of livestock - and luckily I have a little dorm fridge about 5 feet away from my tank so I can crank that up and use it as a freezer (I'd never have the extra room in our kitchen freezer, nor would my GF probably allow it to "touch" our other food).

I obviously won't be making this much at a time since my tank is considerably smaller than JJ's (or Melev's who has a good recipe for food as well) and I'll also probably have to buy my own dishes.

JJ - how much do you feed at a time? I've been contemplating using icecube trays to freeze the food in for easy portion control - although I'll have to find some trays with smaller than standard cube sizes cause I don't think my tank won't need that much per feeding...
Go Vols!