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Old 11/09/2007, 01:11 PM
kurplunk kurplunk is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NOR. CALifornia,East Bay
Posts: 213
Thanks for the generous comments guys. I didn't put too much thought into my light combo at the time of purchase. I am due for some new bulbs as it has been about a year now. I really like the color combos that people have with the ati and kz bulbs. MY lighting seems to look very white, but coral colors just pop and are true. Here is my combo:
Geissman Actinic +
" " Aquablue
" " Actinic +
" " Aquablue
" " Aquablue
" " Actinic+
" " Aquablue
" " Actinic +
all 54wbulbs
Here is an old pic from about 10 months ago.