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Old 11/06/2007, 10:54 PM
huskerreef huskerreef is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Posts: 458
I have kept a Jordani Super Male and the Tongan Flame Wrasse together and in the begining they spent a lot of time flashing at each other but settled down in a day or so. I have been acclimating my wrasses in a clear floating breeder container. I add the newbie when lights are on to see any major agression and to allow everyone to get used to each other and if if there is a problem I can safely move the new one out to another tank or back to the lfs. If everyone is happy, once the lights go out and all the fishes are out for the night I let the new one go and the next day they don't even recognize the new mate. Unfortunetly my flame super male got harassed by me when I accidently dropped a rock on him while setting a coral frag. But I think you should be fine
Jim G
Omaha Marine Society