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Old 11/05/2007, 07:33 PM
clopez clopez is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Posts: 566
Originally posted by fast57
hey buckyeze...i can bring a frag of pink birdsnest if you like

the question is what am i NOT bringing to the swap. Heres a sample of suff im bringing...there will be deffinetly be more added. If i should get back with some pics let me know!

several acan frags
neon green toadstool
some cool looking mushrooms
a whole array of colors of zoas including...radioactive dragon eyes,candy apple pinks, orange palys and many many more
xenia ...pom pom and the regular kind
rainbow monti frags
2 different kinds of blastos
nano tank with stand

and im sure more to come!
If anyone wants more info on something or wants to pre order something from me just let me know!!
If you can get pictures up that would be awesome!