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Old 11/03/2007, 12:07 PM
Coleman4i Coleman4i is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Posts: 39
Man, Marvin should give will_w a discount for defending him so well. It was not my intention at all to "bash" any LFS especially Atlantis. I love both of them and am there at least 4 times a week.

My question was which is your personal LFS. As if you had to pick one, which one would you choose? I didn't mean it start some sort of debate on which one is better or anything. I was just wondering out of the two great LFS's we have around here, which one do you go to the most?

As for my comment on being misinformed with the gbta. I agree that it was my fault for not researching it beforehand. I didn't mean to come off as high and mighty or anything.

FW is my favorite because not only is it right down the road from me, but the first time I walked in there Joe saw that I was a new customer and greeted me and introduced himself and personally showed me around the store so I could get a good look at how everything was setup. I only found out about Atlantis 2 weeks ago so my experiences with them are still new. It is a lot further away from my apartment so I'm less inclined to drive out there than just down the street to Fish World.

Anyways, if this is going to get out of hand then I'll close the thread. I can see how I may have started a little sandstorm here but I hope all is well. Hell... I'd work at either LFS for free in my spare time if I could.
Apartment Reefer

3 gal. Pico
10 gal. Nano
20 gal. FW

Last edited by Coleman4i; 11/03/2007 at 12:15 PM.