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Old 11/02/2007, 03:07 PM
Elysia Elysia is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Central PA
Posts: 2
Question Experience w/ Apogon margaritophorus

Does anyone have any experience with Apogon margaritophorus, the red striped pearly cardinalfish?

I am very interested in this species as a possible non-aggressive tankmate for a community tank and am wondering if the stated maximum size (2 1/2") is correct and if they school (what I have read leads me to believe that they will, and that they are at least somewhat active during the day, but I'm interested if anyone has witnessed this behavior in captivity.)

I am trying to decide between these guys and Vanderbilt chromis as another peaceful schooling fish approx. 2 1/2" in size. I don't know if I can get the cardinalfish, but I know that the chromis are available.

Any information/experience one is willing to provide to me would be helpful. Thank you in advance.