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Old 10/31/2007, 07:52 PM
GreshamH GreshamH is offline
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Originally posted by demonsp
Nice , and talks about tap water and why it should not be used.
To bad most will either ignore and think they have perfect tap or not even read .
But lots of info and would be nice if RC added. I wish they would Have in big bold letters on the home page READ ARTICLE ON WHY TAP IS NO GOOD. Sorry dont hate you all
Sorry that's just wrong. It may be the case in a lot of places, but there are several cities that have VERY good water right out fo the tap. With a little dechlor they're totally fine. Take Alameda Island in California. They have insane water and many of the local reefers use straight tap and we're not talking newbiers but old salties with very nice tanks.

I run a system on well water which is tap in that area. The water is tested probably more then most people test their tank water and other then a bit of extra iron, it's great.
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