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Old 10/28/2007, 04:03 PM
jnarowe jnarowe is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Poulsbo, WA
Posts: 9,742
Originally posted by mrcrab
Very nice Jon.

Hey, question for you. Why is your skimmer body cleaner than your viewing panes?
OUCH!! Well I feel motivated to clean the glass up now that the tank is back to normal. And one thing I noticed is that when I fired up the skimmer with the new stones, it actually got cleaner. I also see the repetitive track marks in the skimmer coraline of what is probably a chiton. There are a lot of limpets in there, but i don't think they leave tracks like that.

ORP is looking better too. Anyone have an opinion on the stone orientation? Like should they be mounted square or on a diagonal? So like this: [] or like this: <> ???
Jonathan--DIBS Breeder and Card carrying member of the Square Skimmer Brigade
(Click on the Red House to see my pics garage)