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Old 10/27/2007, 01:45 PM
VoidRaven VoidRaven is offline
Eternally Discombobulated
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Location: Lagrange, OH
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Originally posted by dwd5813
I have to submit all of my english papers through a program called mydropbox. The program scans through the paper searching for plagiarism and prepares a report for the professor.

I had to use this service for my MBA (scary, huh? That even in grad school they have to really crack down on this) and I have to say it is not really a stop-gap. The professor still has to READ the report and many don't...they just see what the website kicks back and if it's over a certain percent they say it's plagerized.

I had one paper I wrote that came back like 60% percent plagerized. Confused, as I wrote the whole thing myself, I read the report that it generated and NONE of the so called plagerized passages came from anything even remotely close to my class. It said my references page was plagerized, that sentences that the program had pulled from some marine biology paper (and I was doing a paper for a management information systems class) was plagerized....none of it was well founded. When I inquired with my prof about it she said not to worry and that my paper was fine.

In short, these programs are NOT fool proof. They might help to deter would-be plagarizers but the faculty still has to do their end too.....and some aren't anymore thanks to sites like this. Almost as bad as the students!
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