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Old 10/24/2007, 07:26 PM
freedive43 freedive43 is offline
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Location: Hawaii
Posts: 36
To try and answer a few questions here goes: The fish was not fed before we sent it out. We shipped the fish 48 hours after it was caught. If we fed it, it would create waste matter in the shipping water which is not good.
Females and juveniles have a better track record at captive adaptation. The orange face mask on the specimen collected is still developing and hasn't reached full coloration. I think possibly this was a female in the last stages of changing into a male. Also, males usually travel with a harem of females whereas this fish was alone. I will keep in contact with the buyer to see how this fish is doing in the long term, but I'm sure they will give it the best care available.
Yes the fish are rare, but only because they are very deep in the MHI. The population is not going extinct because we caught this fish.
As to the exact collection location and depth -- well that's a trade secret =) Hopefully Copps won't spill the beans...
Into the depths we go...