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Old 10/24/2007, 08:13 AM
jmait769 jmait769 is offline
King of the Tank!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Posts: 1,316
Silica (Sio2-3)
Natural Seawater Value: 0.040 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 0.000 to 0.500 mg/L
Tested: 2.4 mg/L

(HIGH) Your silica level is too high. We recommend that you use a silica specific R/O membrane in addition to deionization resin for your makeup/top-off water. You may also use a commercially available phosphate absorber, as these will also remove some silicate. Silicate is required by many types of sponges for growth/reproduction, but will also encourage brown diatom algae growth. Any level above 0.3 mg/L may cause a diatom bloom in the aquarium.

I’m going to have to look at those filters again. I just changed over from that Ebay special to TheFilterGuys filters a few months ago so maybe it is just a matter of water changes. I do run a phosphate remover. Hmmmm Any ideas? 2.4 is pretty high but I do not have any diatoms just a little red slime in my fuge.
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- Thomas Alva Edison